Double Glazed Windows

At Salisbury Glass Centre we offer an extensive range of windows including;

  • Bay windows
  • Casements
  • Traditional sash windows
  • Tilt and Turn
  • Energy rated windows
  • Coloured windows

Our windows are available in the following materials;

All our windows are guaranteed to last for years with only minimal maintenance.

Aluminium Windows

Our aluminium windows are tough. They are durable, efficient and designed to last for years with very little up keep or maintenance required. We can provide a wide range of colours to suit your needs and can be A – C rated for energy efficiency.

Aluminium Windows can also be mounted into existing wooden frames, or directly into the window opening. Aluminium Windows usually have thinner frames that will allow the maximum amount of glass, so therefore they bring more light into a room. But thinner frames do not mean any compromise on strength.

For more information about our Aluminium Windows, please take a look at our Brochures.

PVC-U Windows

PVC-U windows provide great quality and value for money. As conserving energy is incredibly important for both the environment and saving money, PVC-U windows can prove to be a sound investment.

We provide PVC-U windows in a wide range of colours and they are A – C rated for energy efficiency.

For more information about our PVC-U Windows, please take a look at our Brochures.


With Yale smart doors and windows, SensCheck sensors allow you to check-in on the security of your home even when you are not there. Whether you have popped to the shop and can’t remember if you closed the kitchen window or want to check on your home whilst you are away relaxing on holiday, with SensCheck you can do just that.

Accessed via the easy to install app, ‘Yale Home’, peace of mind can be achieved through the touch of a button and be with you wherever you may go.

SensCheck allows you to:

  • Check to see if your doors at home are open, closed, locked or unlocked
  • Check the position of your windows, see if they are open, closed or in the vented window position
  • Part-arm or arm your home
  • Geo-fencing alerts help set reminders
  • Receive tamper alerts should anyone try their luck
  • Get chime notifications
  • Make the ultimate home security system by adding additional sync alarm accessories

The SensCheck system even works with your existing devices such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Philips Hue.

A Yale Sync Hub will allow you to connect your SensCheck windows and doors to your home network and works seamlessly alongside the ‘Yale Home’ app to access all of the security features.

The hub even has an integrated 94dB siren which can be set to trigger if there is an unexpected change in status of any of your sensors.


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